Germany - Part 2 - Football & beer


Firstly, I'd like to state that I am not a big fan of Germany. I don't know why maybe because I hate when I'm somewhere and don't speak the language. Despite that Telchac chose northern Germany as our next destination (ironic "great" was what I thought at first). At that point, I was mainly interested in going just because Telchac lived there for some time and I wanted to see where. 
Well, really, I have never been so wrong about anything as I was this time. Immediately after I googled Bremen I got excited. Little old streets, amazing parks, the shore, and so on (you'll see in the coming weeks)...As we were getting closer and closer and I googled more and more, I was sure it was going to be one of THOSE trips. 

Total of 4 days, 2 with the rental and the last 2 on our feet. After arriving at our first hotel, we realised it was almost on the runway - a big con if you are not an aviation enthusiast. However, Telchac loves watching planes (sounds childish I know :D but it's (not joking) quite interesting) so this could not be better. And since there's no air traffic between 10pm and 6am we could (and did) sleep like babies. 
Yes, yes, I'm getting to Bremen. It was a short ride from Hamburg (about an hour) and even driving on the highway you see only green everywhere around you. It's perfect.  

Waller Park
Moreover, as there were parts of the drive without a speed limit you most probably get to see a lot of cool cars which surprisingly were not "racing" or trying to prove something (thumbs up for that Germans!), they were just enjoying the weather, the car and everything else. After a while we decided to stop at a gas station to get some Karamaltz/Vitamaltz (it's hops drink which we only saw in Bolzano and in Germany - after googling it just now it obviously has something to do with man boobs and breast milk supply - cheers, everybody :D), so we enjoyed one cold one ;) non-alcoholic ofc and went on. 
Useful tip: drink-drive limit of 0.5mg of blood alcohol - go for anything you might crave ;)
It was Saturday when we were in Bremen, which meant Bundesliga match. The atmosphere - generally, we didn't go to the match which we both regretted but there just wasn't enough time - was UNBELIEVABLE (IG story on our Instagram page) People drinking, laughing, talking about the match (with my German skills I am sure it was about something completely different :D), wearing jerseys and scarfs. This all just made us smile and go with the flow - beer-drinking-and-wurst-eating-wise :D. 

Even if it wasn't Saturday and if there weren't so many people and even if the atmosphere wasn't as it was, the centre of the city is beautiful! No words to describe it, I could not believe my eyes - if you saw our IG stories I'm sure you're nodding your head now. 
Useful tip: there are plenty of spaces to park in Bremen, we had no problem finding one close to the centre, just make sure you buy a parking ticket (max 2 hours). 

Do you know the fairy tale by the brother Grimms about the Bremen town musicians? Me neither, but I have it on my to-do list. The musicians are the symbol of Bremen and you can see them everywhere. 

Useful tip: if you want to have a perfect shot, try it when it's dark - fewer people and shadow play (something like this maybe?) 
By the way, the Germans seem to be obsessed with ice-cream sundaes. We went by this place in the centre where they sold enormous sundaes and ice-cream spaghetti (I believe it was this cafe not sure though). Nevertheless, we did not want to combine the beer with the ice-cream (for obvious reasons) so we passed and decided to go for one more walk - to burn the wurst calories :D We went to the Bremen city park where you can rent a boat and row across the lake and the canals (if you're willing to queue for an hour that is). If you're more into animals, there's a small zoo and again lots of places to just sit and enjoy. 
Well, this was our first day in Germany, next week Luneburg and Insel Poel. CU there!